Christie Buono, Senior Manager of Community Partnerships, (virtually) sat down with Amrit Heer, member of our Young Women’s Council and the face behind @SheWearsLove, to talk about why she is passionate about women’s health and is excited about the launch of our new BC Women’s Health Foundation (BCWHF) face masks.
CB: Why does women’s health matter to you?
AH: As women, I feel that we are always in service of others. We are constantly taking care of everyone else around us which means we typically put ourselves last. It’s important that we prioritize ourselves and our health first so we can continue to show our future generations that we are equals and deserve the best. There are so many unknowns with women’s health and if I can help raise awareness on filling some of those gaps for equality, then I know I have helped the future of women’s health. The fact that women’s health has been typically understood by men’s health research is something that shocked me. Our bodies are completely different and bridging that gap of inequality is something that I am very passionate about!
CB: Do you have a personal story you’d feel comfortable sharing that inspired you to support women’s health?
AH: After the passing of my daughter Madison [my first born] and going through so many unknowns, I wanted to create and open up a conversation so women never feel alone. At the time, I felt like no one understood me or what I was going through. As hard as it was (and at times still is) to share, I recognize how important it is that we don’t grieve in silence. It’s also important that we invest time in women’s health research when it comes to fertility and childbirth.
CB: What inspires you most about giving back to your community?
AH: Giving back has always been important to me. It’s one of my core values and I hold myself to that. I feel that we are all in this world for a purpose and all of us have a duty to give back in one way or another to our communities. Knowing that I have helped people fills my heart with so much joy. But at the end of the day it’s not about me, it’s about the person or people who you helped along the way.
CB: What does it mean to you to be representing the BC Women’s Health Foundation by wearing a face mask that means more than just “protection,” a mask that’s actually tied to a cause you hold close to your heart?
AH: The fact that my mask states “Healthy Women Everywhere. Capable of Anything”, is such a powerful statement. It has and will create so many conversations for women’s health equality. This conversation is overdue and I am so honored to be able to raise awareness and advocate for the future of women’s health.
CB: Are you looking forward to the conversations your new BCWHF face mask might strike up?
AH: YES! And I can’t wait until more and more people – including men – to have conversations about women’s health and advocate for equality!
CB: Is there a woman, or women, in your life who inspires you?
AH: My Mom is my number one. She is the most selfless, caring, and pure hearted human you will ever meet. She had to learn resilience from an early age and that taught me how to be strong during difficult times. I am so blessed to have sisters who are also the strongest women that I know and who have taken on my pain as if it were their own. I am so blessed to be surrounded by so much strength and love!
We are so grateful to have Amrit’s ongoing support! To hear more from her, follow her on Instagram, @SheWearsLove.
You can support women while protecting others by purchasing a limited-edition BC Women’s Health Foundation non-medical grade face mask.
BC Women’s Health Foundation is BC’s largest non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the full spectrum of women’s health. The information shared is intended to educate, inform, and point readers to credible sources. It is not intended to substitute professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of qualified healthcare professionals with any questions specific to your medical condition.
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