A generous donor has stepped forward to match up to $10,000 in donations for the Fellowship in Family Planning. On July 18, donations will be matched to double the impact as we fund this essential training for doctors in Canada. This Fellowship is the first and only in Canada to provide comprehensive post-graduate training in complex contraception and advanced abortion clinical care — but without funding, it is at risk of shutting down. Donate today.
Help us to amplify this trailblazing Fellowship and encourage donors to take this opportunity to double their impact!
I donated to BC Women’s Health Foundation to support the Fellowship of Family Planning because all women deserve access to complex contraception + quality abortion care.
Right now, you can double your impact! When you make a gift to support #ReproductiveChoice, your donation will be matched by a generous donor up until $10,000.
Learn more and donate today at bcwomensfoundation.org/family-planning
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Donate today to @BCWomensFdn to double your impact for the Fellowship in Family Planning! Your donation will help improve complex contraceptive care and reproductive choice in Canada! bcwomensfoundation.org/family-planning