The Future Is Bright
For BC Newborns

Thanks to amazing donors like you

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Immunoassay Analyzer – Newborn Screening

Thanks to donors like you who have funded this powerful technology, newborns like Harri are thriving. This report shares how early detection by the Immunoassay Analyzer made a world of difference for Baby Harri, and is positively impacting the lives of newborns across BC.

Responding to the urgent need of the provincial newborn screening program at BC Women’s Hospital + Health Centre (BCWH) in 2019, our generous community of incredible donors like you stepped up to fund one of two desperately needed immunoassay analyzers.

As a result, the BCWH newborn screening lab is home to these two remarkable machines, screening every newborn in the province within their first week of life for a wide range of invisible conditions and disorders. Quietly touching the lives of every baby born in BC and the Yukon.

Baby Harri’s Story

Baby Harri was one of the fortunate babies whose quality of life was positively impacted by this routine and potentially life-saving newborn screening and early detection.