Supporting non-judgmental environments and support that keep women’s health at the centre.
Centred around women’s goals, FIR helps women and newborns who are recovering from substance use.
At FIR Square women are supported – sometimes for many months – with clinical care, counselling, and skills training to help them stabilize and recover from substance dependence with their babies. Keeping mothers and newborns together is a priority.
In July 2019, FIR Square is moving into a new, enhanced, renovated space at BC Women’s. Their harm reduction model of care is already a world-leader, so we’re striving to provide an environment to match. It will feel less clinical, providing a space where women can really feel supported in their healing and wellness. Donate to equitable healthcare that meets women where they’re at.
“The moment we were all together.” -Sarah Clark, BC Women's NICU parent...
Read more“The moment I can give a new mother the confidence and reassurance that she needs.” -Nila Pavlova, Ultras...
Read more“The moment when I knew I was making a difference.” -Angela Ha, BC Women’s Sadie Diamond Breast Imagin...
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