Women's Health
Research Month

Join us in raising $300,000 towards women’s health research this March!

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Women have unique health needs but medical research has historically prioritized men, leaving immense, and sometimes dangerous, gaps in knowledge.

Women’s health research remains marginalized — even now it is funded less often, and at lower funding amounts. This means that critical research questions are often left unanswered, and women continue to face unnecessary risks and have their suffering brushed aside as “medically unexplained symptoms.”

This is where BC Women’s Health Foundation comes in. Through our partnership with Women’s Health Research Institute, we’re transforming healthcare in BC by supporting research that studies the unique needs of women in all life stages.

To elevate this, we are devoting the whole month of March to be Women’s Health Research Month. Throughout March, we will be amplifying, highlighting, and showcasing the importance of funding innovative + groundbreaking research. To do this, we’ve set a goal of raising $300,000 to ignite change for women’s health research.


Throughout the month of March, we will be amplifying, highlighting, and showcasing the importance of funding innovative + groundbreaking research. We will end off Women’s Health Research Month with our annual event in support of women’s health research, Illuminations presented by RBC Wealth Management.



Make a donation to show your support this Women’s Health Research Month


Attend Our Event

Attend our signature event Illuminations presented by RBC Wealth Management, to support the funding of research wards

Community Partners

Spend with impact! Support our Community Partners who are donating proceeds to support transformative research

Engage on Social

Share and talk about Women’s Health Research Month on social, use the hashtag #WHRM and tag us!