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The Internal Medicine Team


Pregnancy is considered the stress test for life, bringing forth underlying tendencies in otherwise healthy women, from gestational diabetes to hypertension.

As Obstetric Medicine Specialists serving the entire province, we provide expert advice and ongoing support to women with medical conditions before, during, and after pregnancy.

While other providers ensure safe delivery of the newborns, our team focuses on the woman. We provide appropriate medical interventions, safe medications, and maternal support.

We are privileged to build relationships with our patients and share their journey. Our dedicated team strives to provide both our medical expertise and compassion.

With your support, we can provide more training opportunities in this specialized area of medicine, fund research to better care for our patients, and share new knowledge with other care providers to improve care for women everywhere.

If we have helped you or someone you love, please consider making a donation to support the work of our team.

Your donation will elevate the care of all women who are pregnant in BC; together we can keep women safe.

– Dr. Wee-Shian Chan, Head of the Department of Medicine, on behalf of the Obstetric Medicine team, BC Women’s Hospital + Health Centre