A bequest in your will is an important and impactful way to ensure your legacy of giving lives on after you. Your gift is a reflection of your values, and we are honoured to be part of your legacy.

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Your Impact

By making a legacy gift to BC Women’s Health Foundation, you are advocating for women’s and newborn health by supporting groundbreaking research, capital projects, state-of-the-art equipment and innovative healthcare. Your gift will make a long-lasting and meaningful difference and help transform the lives of women, newborns and families in British Columbia now and for future generations.

Ways to Leave a Legacy Gift

After you’ve provided for your family, leaving a legacy gift to BC Women’s Health Foundation is effective and simple, and provides significant and valuable tax benefits for your estate. You can leave a gift in the form of a bequest in a specific amount or a percentage of your estate, or you can designate a specific asset or a life insurance policy.

Take the First Step

You can find simple will language below (downloadable PDF) and other resources that will ensure your donation is used as you intend. You can make an unrestricted gift that offers us the flexibility to use your funding where you may leave the most lasting legacy.

Legacy Financial Planning

Explore our collection of videos featuring Financial Advisor Lynn Zhang who delves into the benefits of legacy giving. Learn about the significant tax advantages, understand what legacy giving truly entails, and discover how your generosity can create a lasting legacy through strategic financial planning.

Get in Touch

Be sure to get in touch if you have included a gift in your will. It will give us the opportunity to thank you for your legacy, and discuss what you hope your gift will help us accomplish. We always respect your privacy and confidentiality.

Get in touch with Lisa Shearer, Director, Legacy + Annual Giving, by email or by calling 604-375-1224.

Legacy Advisory Circle

A legacy gift requires thoughtful reflection, careful planning – and expert assistance from experienced financial and legal professionals. Let the BC Women’s Health Foundation Legacy Advisory Circle help ensure your wishes are accurately reflected in your legacy gift.

Legacy Stories

Shaping Tomorrow’s Healthcare
This Is Why I Invest In Women’s Health