“I believe that women are the centre of building strong families and are the backbone of our society,” says Jill Diamond. “Investing in the BC Women’s Health Foundation is essential to creating better educated, more productive, and healthier communities. Establishing healthcare that is equitable, accessible, and appropriate has always been important to my family and the Diamond Foundation”.
Inspired by the passion and support of our community, each and every member of the BC Women’s Health Foundation’s Board of Directors have joined together to donate $100,000 total to support the Foundation’s COVID-19 Funds.
“I’m deeply committed to the Jewish values of Tikkun Olam, (repairing the world) and Tzedakah, (justice, i.e., through an act of charity),” Jill added. “Donating my time and resources to the BC Women’s Health Foundation allows me to do just this while also serving as a role model to my children, all of whom were born at BC Women’s Hospital. I want to ensure that my daughters and the many other women in my life have access to the timely, effective, and specialized medical care that they deserve. I contributed specifically to the COVID-19 Response Fund so the hospital can respond quickly to the emerging needs of its staff and its patients during these unsettling times”.
As the Foundation prepares to celebrate its 25th Anniversary, the Board of Directors are reigniting their passion with 100% commitment, 100% dedication, and $100,000 to help ensure women have equitable access to the highest quality, specialized healthcare, when they need it most.
“We all have women in our lives who love us unconditionally – be it a grandmother, mother, sister, daughter, or aunt – it is our collective responsibility to ensure that they, and all the women in our community, have access to the very best healthcare”.
“A ‘one-size-fits-all’ model doesn’t work when it comes to healthcare,” Jill says. “Women have different anatomies, genetics, and hormones, and therefore need specialized expertise. When you partner with the BC Women’s Health Foundation, whether it’s as a donor, a volunteer, or by sharing our content with your friends and family, every contribution helps support the women you love”.
Thank you to all our donors, supporters, and volunteers for your
passion and generosity to advancing the full spectrum of women’s health.
- Donate to our COVID-19 Response Fund, supporting new and expecting mothers.
- Read BC Women’s Hospital’s article on Our Board’s Powerful Commitment
- Share your story on our website, or tag us in your posts @bcwomens.
- Submit a Message of Thanks to a healthcare team at BC Women’s Hospital.
BC Women’s Health Foundation is BC’s largest non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the full spectrum of women’s health. The information shared is intended to educate, inform, and point readers to credible sources. It is not intended to substitute professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of qualified healthcare professionals with any questions specific to your medical condition.
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